Some things we think you should know
Hiring A Family Friend To Be Your Wedding Photographer
It’s tempting, we know. You’re engaged and planning your wedding—where to spend your money and how, trying to be smart about it, not getting sucked into the lore of the Wedding-Industrial-Complex. Someone comes up with the idea to have a family friend act as the wedding photographer. Before you decide to commit to using your friend, read on to figure out of this is the right path for you.
6 Non-Boring Places to Get Married in NJ
When you don't want a cookie cutter wedding day, check out these six great NJ wedding venues.
Wedding Day Timelines Made Simple
Worrying about timeline math? Worry no more with our sample 10 hour wedding timelines!
What is a "First Look?"
What is a "first look" and why it is way more awesome than you think.
Wedding Day Advice from a Photographer's Perspective
Advice on how to plan your wedding day to ensure you get awesome photos and have fun!
Engagement Session Advice
Thinking about doing an engagement session? Here is our advice to help you rock it.
How to Shop for Wedding Photography
Most people have never had to shop for a wedding photographer before. Here is our advice on what you should keep in mind during your search!