Brownstone in Paterson, NJ: The Wedding of Miriam and Natan
Miriam and Natan were full of smiles and laughter all day long. What a joy to work with couples on their happiest days. Here are some of our favorite shots from the portrait portion of the day!

How did you and your partner meet?
Natan and I met online – On YUConnects. We’re one of their quickly increasing success stories! I’m a big believer in the right timing. A few months before Natan and I matched, my mom really wanted me to join YUConnects, but I was adamant that it wasn’t for me. She pushed me to try it, and of course, now I’m happy to admit (although I don’t say it too often 😜) that my mom was right.
When did you first know he / she was "the one?"
Natan is the most genuine, kind, considerate, mature, and time-challenged person I have ever met. Everything about our first dating experiences were perfect. During our first phone conversations, he was such a good listener and was very flexible. It was a joy talking with him from the beginning. Our first date was a little stressful for me. I typically have a difficult time getting places on time, and as expected, I was late to our first date. I was nervous that this would be something that bothered him, but as it went, he was perfectly understanding, as he arrived even later! I knew then that I would never have to feel self-conscious or worried about being late somewhere because I had finally found someone who shared that with me and even made me feel on time!
On a more serious note, the first thing I really noticed about Natan was his genuine and kind nature. On every outing, he always asks everyone who is helping us their name and makes a concerted effort to remember it. I can tell everyone really appreciates that small gesture and it doesn’t hurt that it helps me out too because I am terrible at remembering names!
Natan is always working to better himself whether spiritually, mentally, or physically which is something I greatly admire. He pushes and inspires me to improve myself just by watching him. I love that he has close relationships with his family members and is very excited to start our own family. He works very hard to build opportunities for himself and I know he will put in the same effort and more for me and our family.
Natan has a wonderful sense of humor and can make me laugh even in situations where I may be feeling down. I remember one time I got an injury and he drove all the way to NJ from Queens to cheer me up by showing me magic card tricks and telling me jokes. Natan also has a very unique vocabulary. Anyone who knows him knows the list of words he uses on a regular basis: “Cookies, Butter, Shmecks, Shmigly… etc.” I laugh every time I hear him say these expressions. He will often say these phrases in place of a curse word or when he is frustrated, which I think is a way to add joy and a sense of humor to situations where most people would express anger or be rude to others. It is a wonderful way to help himself and others around him laugh at life’s challenges.
How did he / she propose?
We got engaged the night before I thought we were supposed to get engaged (he totally had me fooled!). He told me we were going to meet with colleagues of his for dinner. My family and Natan’s brother helped set up a gazebo in my hometown with lights, candles, and sunflowers (Natan knew it is my favorite flower), and they were all there to take pictures and celebrate with us when he proposed.
Natan also attached a hidden microphone to the inside of his jacket and recorded the whole thing starting from when he picked me up to after the proposal. That was such a special and thoughtful thing for him to save a part of such a special day. Then, our families surprised us both by inviting all of our friends to my parent’s house for a le’chaim (celebration). We were actually accidentally late to our own party because we were talking in the gazebo for a few minutes after the proposal, just taking in the moment!
What are you most looking forward to?
We hope the day will be full of joy and laughter, won’t be so serious, and will be a lot of fun to celebrate with all our loved ones. We hope we will be able to be reminded to “be in the moment” and enjoy the small intimate moments together.
What is your ceremony music?
Groom's Family: John Rutter - O Waly Waly -
Elazar Alper - Brother of the Groom
Chaim Alper - Brother of the Groom
Dr. Gedalya and Judy Shayowitz (and baby Shira) - Sister and Brother in law of the Groom
Groom - Rewrite the Stars -
Natan Alper and his parents Michael and Janette Alper - Mi Adir - Jewish song sang while the groom puts on a white robe
Bride's family: Five bagatelles Op. 23 - Arr. Ashmore -
Dr. Richard and Susan Rosenbluth - Grandparents of the Bride
Charlie and Sheila Aptowitzer - Grandparents of the Bride
Gabriel Rosenbluth - Brother of the Bride
Naomi Rosenbluth - Sister of the Bride
Judith Rosenbluth - Sister of the Bride
Bride - Walton - Henry 5th - Touch Her Soft Lips and Part -
Miriam Rosenbluth and her parents Dr. Jonathan and Chaviva Rosenbluth
Mi Bon Siyach - Jewish song played while the bride circles the groom 7 times
At the end of the ceremony - Im Eshkocheich - Jewish song - then the breaking of the glass
How would you describe your reception theme?
Fall colors, rustic, classy, FUN!!
What was your favorite part of the planning process?
Choosing the music
What is the first dance song?
Cody Fry - Photograph -
This wedding took place at:
The Brownstone
351 W Broadway
Paterson, NJ 07522
Florist - Morningside Greenhouse / 554 W Broadway, Haledon, NJ 07508 / (973) 595-1600
Makeup Artist - Name / Email Address / Phone Number / Website: Jaime Kenter - @jaimekmua
Hair Stylist - Name / Email Address / Phone Number / Website: Salon Banglesin Springfield NJ - Joan
Officiant - Name / Email Address / Phone Number / Website: Rabbi Yisroel Meir Rosenzweig
Videography - Name / Email Address / Phone Number / Website: Michael Sinnreich-Aaction Video
Band / DJ - Name / Email Address / Phone Number / Website: Ratzon Orchestra/ Jeremy A. Gaisin/ 240.687.5389 / 516.522.0521/
Etsy / Artisan Vendors: Etsy/Small Jeweler in California - Populant - made our wedding bands
Wedding Theme / Colors: Fall palette